Looking after your RAVEN ROCK knitwear

RAVEN ROCK wool jumpers are cherished for their warmth, comfort, and timeless style. However, maintaining these delicate garments requires a special touch. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the intricate art of hand washing wool jumpers, offering insights into why it's crucial and highlighting the advantages over machine washing.


How to Hand Wash a Wool Jumper

  • Mild Wool Detergent: Opt for a gentle detergent designed explicitly for wool to preserve its natural fibres.
  • Lukewarm Water: Maintaining the right temperature is crucial to prevent shrinkage or damage.
  • Basin or Sink: Choose a clean and spacious container that can accommodate your jumper comfortably.
  • Towels: These will be used to absorb excess water.

1. Preparing Your Wool Jumper

Check the Care Label: Always start by carefully reviewing the care label on your jumper. 

Identifying and Addressing Stains or Spots: Inspect your jumper for any stains or spots. Identifying them early will help you apply appropriate pre-treatment methods.

Turning the Jumper Inside Out: This simple step helps to minimize abrasion and maintain the outer appearance of your jumper.

2. Pre-Treatment for Stains

Different stains demand distinct treatments. Here's how to address common ones:

Food Stains: Gently scrape off any solid residue and blot with cold water.

Oil and Grease Stains: Apply a small amount of mild detergent directly to the stain and blot gently.

Wine and Coffee Stains: Blot the stain with cold water and mild detergent; avoid hot water as it can set the stain.

3. Filling the Basin and Preparing the Water

Optimal Water Temperature for Wool: Maintain a lukewarm water temperature, around 30°C (86°F). Hot water can lead to shrinking and felting.

Adding Detergent to the Water: Use a mild wool detergent. Avoid overusing detergent, as excessive suds can be harmful to wool fibres.

Mixing and Creating a Gentle Soap Solution: Gently stir the detergent into the water to create a mild soapy solution. Avoid vigorous agitation.

4. Submerging the Jumper

Ensuring Even Soaking: Immerse the jumper evenly in the soapy water to guarantee consistent cleaning.

Avoiding Excessive Agitation: Handle your jumper with care; avoid any vigorous rubbing or wringing, as this can cause felting and damage the fibres.

5. Gentle Washing

Using Your Hands to Gently Agitate the Water: Gently swish the jumper in the soapy water, allowing the detergent to penetrate the fibres.

Paying Attention to Problem Areas: Be particularly mindful of areas with stains or heavy soiling; give them some extra attention.

Avoiding Twisting or Wringing: Never twist or wring your wool jumper. Instead, use a gentle squeezing motion to remove excess water.

6. Rinsing the Jumper

Emptying the Soapy Water: Once you've finished washing, carefully drain the soapy water from the basin.

Refilling the Basin with Clean, Lukewarm Water: Prepare a fresh bath of lukewarm water for rinsing.

Gentle Rinsing to Remove Detergent Residue: Submerge the jumper in the clean cold water and gently agitate it to remove any remaining detergent.

7. Squeezing Out Excess Water

Using a Clean Towel to Absorb Moisture: Lay your wool jumper on a clean, dry towel and gently roll it up to absorb excess water.

Avoiding Excessive Pressure: Be gentle when pressing out moisture to avoid distorting the jumper's shape.

8. Drying Your Wool Jumper

Choosing the Right Drying Surface: Lay your jumper flat on a clean, dry towel or a breathable drying rack.

Avoiding Direct Sunlight and Heat Sources: Never expose your wool jumper to direct sunlight or heat, as this can cause fading and shrinkage.

Properly Shaping the Jumper While Drying: Carefully reshape the jumper to its original dimensions to prevent stretching or distortion. 

9. Storing Your Merino Wool Jumper

Appropriate Storage Conditions: Explore the ideal environment for storing your wool jumper to preserve its quality and longevity.

Using Breathable Garment Bags: Discover the benefits of breathable garment bags for protection against dust and moths.


Machine washable vs. Hand Washing

Wool is a complex textile, consisting of intricate fibres that demand careful handling. It's crucial to grasp the structure of wool and its sensitivity to cleaning processes.

Machine Washable Wool Jumpers

Some wool jumpers are designed to be machine washable, often due to specific factors like wool blends or pre-treatment. 100% machine washable merino wool clothing is often coated in plastic polymer to make it shrink proof, this is sometimes called super wash which refers to a treatment applied to wool fibres the makes them resistant to felting and more suited to machine washing, when raw wool is made into super wash wool, it's natural characteristics are destroyed. It is contaminated with synthetic chemicals and can no longer be considered a natural fibre.

Hand Washing Wool Jumpers

Acknowledging its drawbacks, including time and effort, and the potential for human error, hand washing wool jumpers is more environmentally friendly and also last much longer. This is why RAVEN ROCK knitwear is hand wash only, unless stated on the care label



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